This isn’t how we do it

They taught us to never accept censorship, banning, prejudice.

Words are banned by prejudice authoritarians, claiming prejudice as their reason. Yet reason never enters their mind. To reason is to explore all view points and balance them with reasonable solutions.

Censorship was the gateway to communism. Dictatorships , and human rights violations. Judging a word based on individual perceptions ( prejudice) or a book on the words it contains denies any rational understanding of liturature and perhaps the society in which the words express reality of that time.

You can not rewrite history, until now. What idiots have we placed in power to allow for the past to no longer exist. Judging people based on ideological beliefs, demonizing them for trying to protect themselves and the people they love from becoming slaves to this ” new world order” . Is that not prejudice in its purest form, that which they claim to dispise?

Medical preferences are soon to be denied as well. It is a sick and twisted game of gaslighting, the greater good, assimilation or destroyed. The army is preparing to send pregnant women to the front lines and reassigning gender to those too young to make the choice, (the ones not murdered at birth for their living organs to transplant.) To send off to war at age 16 . This all in the name of preserving the planet with population control… but dropping bombs is completely in the best interest of the planet? Transporting oil by train will cause more damage to the environment ( and human lives) than any pipeline.

How can those who claim to care so much be willing to allow the government to control every aspect of our lives?. Not enough research has been done to understand the effect of altering our RNA Permenantly. They don’t know. We are the guinnie pigs lining up for this experiment. Already in phase three or four.

We can not give up our rights to choose, free speach, bare arms, public assemble, our history and the lessons we were taught by our parents…. those of us not ripped away by the government through the foster care programs…. a democratic program dshs, department of Social and health services…. Government agencies have only hurt society .Much more than conservatives ( less government controlled) who protect every states authority to represent its citizens without Federal interference. Keeping state issues “state issues”. When cuts are proposed by republicans they are speaking of cuts on the federal level , excess paper pushers… the things states should be handling so they can focus on protecting the citizens from danger, like terrorists and illegal.. ILLEGAL criminals from taking away the rights of the LEGAL citizens in this country.

So narrow the mind that refuses to listen, explore both sides of the coin. A bird can not fly with only one wing it needs both the left and the right.

Admitting their wrongs is the first action to take. Being stubborn only proves that their minds are too shallow to allow any possiblity of mistakes they have made. We all make mistakes. I’ve admitted my own , too many to count but never too late, until this time it very well may be. I was wrong, that is all they need to say ,they made mistakes. Is it that hard to admit? Our lives don’t matter to them. They play us like fools and maybe we are. But truth is truth no matter how its dressed.

Published by tripticlerose

Diagnosed schizophrenia

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